
File System

Performing file system operations

nx.js provides various functions for performing file system operations in your nx.js app. Since there is no universally agreed upon API by the current leading JavaScript runtimes, nx.js implements its own file system APIs which take inspiration from other runtimes.

Some key differences compared to what you might be used to in Node.js:

  • Read functions (Switch.readFile(), Switch.stat(), Switch.readDir(), etc.) return null if a given path does not exist (they do not throw an error upon ENOENT).
  • Write functions (Switch.writeFile(), etc.) will recursively create parent directories as needed, so manually creating directories is rarely necessary.


Switch.FsFile is a special implementation of the web File class, which interacts with the system's physical file system. As such, it offers a convenient API for working with existing files, and also for writing files.

Use the Switch.file() function to create instances of Switch.FsFile.

Read as JSON

Reading and parsing a JSON file is a one-liner:

const topScores = await Switch.file('sdmc:/top-scores.json').json();

Read as a ReadableStream

Switch.FsFile allows you to read a file using the web ReadableStream API, by invoking the stream() function which returns a ReadableStream instance:

for await (const chunk of Switch.file('sdmc:/data.txt').stream()) {

Write as a WritableStream

Switch.FsFile may also be used to write files using the web WritableStream API, by accessing the writable property which contains a WritableStream instance:

const file = Switch.file('sdmc:/does-not-yet-exist.txt');
const writer = file.writable.getWriter();
await writer.write('write');
await writer.write(' a ');
await writer.write('file ');
await writer.write('incrementally');
await writer.close();

If the file path provided to Switch.file() does not yet exist, then a new file will be created (as well as any necessary parent directories).

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